Meaning of 'itaram'

s. another one, that which is different or foreign, anniyam; 2. vileness, inam; 3. quicksilver, pata racam; 4. hostility, virotam; 5. injury, tingku.

itarattile kutina maruntu, a mercurial preparation.
itarapatarttam, other things, other objects.
itarar, others, strangers, foreigners, inferiors.

Meaning of இதரம்

s. another one, that which is different or foreign, அன்னியம்; 2. vileness, ஈனம்; 3. quicksilver, பாத ரசம்; 4. hostility, விரோதம்; 5. injury, தீங்கு.

இதரத்திலே கூடின மருந்து, a mercurial preparation.
இதரபதார்த்தம், other things, other objects.
இதரர், others, strangers, foreigners, inferiors.

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